Java? Javascript?

29 Aug 2023

What I think about Javascript

I am new to the Javascript language. Never took a course that taught Javascript. The last time I wrote Javascript was during my sophomore year in high school but that is the only time. Before taking this class, I thought it would be difficult to write Javascript. After doing the Javascript practice, It was not as hard as I expected. Just like Java, I wrote in high school and ICS 211. It is just the syntax is slightly different. Java uses “int”, “String”, “Char”, and Boolean to declare datatype. In Javascript, just use “let”, “const”, and “var” when defining the variable. Javascript will know the datatype when you have assigned the value to the variable.

I learned something from this module other than the things mentioned above. From this module, I have learned another type of “If-else statement” which is called a Switch statement. I have never heard of this because I took AP Computer Science A (counts UH Manoa ICS 111 credit), which didn’t cover that. I was so confused when professors was saying something like, “You must have learned this in your ICS 111.” So I am glad that the professor of ICS 314 assigned a review assignment on FreeCodeCamp. Overall, Javascript is not bad.

My opinion on WOD

After the professor introduced WOD and said that it was worth 30% of your grade. WOD stand for “Workout of the Day,” which professor give you the code task, and you need to implement the task. I was so worried about failing the WOD even though the professor have also mentioned it is normal to fail some of the WOD. My feelings on WOD did not change until did some practice WOD and was able to finish within time. After the practice WOD it made me feel better because I was able to complete and pass the WOD. But because I haven’t taken the actual WOD yet, I still feel nervous.

Despite the pressure the WOD gave me. WOD improve your coding skill. For example the “isUnique” WOD, I was thinking of using a nested loop to determine whether the string has a repeat character. The way Professor Johnson did was not an option before I watched his video. He creates an object and characters as property. If that character’s property is true then that means the String is not unique. So WODs can open your mind to solve problems in different ways in the future.

So the existence of WOD is useful and helpful.

Is it stressful?

Yes, I already felt a bit stressed at the beginning of the semester due to the number of readings and assignments just in the FIRST WEEK. Just ICS 314 itself made it stressful because there are lots of software and other new things that are introduced. I never get in touch with those things before, so I am worried that I will not do well on the assignment because of lack of experience with the software. Also, the number of assignment already posted in the assignment list stress me out too. I hope I will be able to come over this and the rest of the semester will go smoothly.